Source code for torch_mimicry.metrics.compute_kid

PyTorch interface for computing KID.
import os
import random
import time

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import torch

from torch_mimicry.datasets.image_loader import get_dataset_images
from torch_mimicry.metrics.inception_model import inception_utils
from torch_mimicry.metrics.kid import kid_utils

[docs]def compute_real_dist_feat(num_samples, sess, dataset, batch_size, seed=0, verbose=True, feat_file=None, log_dir='./log'): """ Reads the image data and compute the real image features. Args: num_samples (int): Number of real images to compute features. sess (Session): TensorFlow session to use. dataset (str/Dataset): Dataset to load. batch_size (int): The batch size to feedforward for inference. feat_file (str): The features file to load from if there is already one. verbose (bool): If True, prints progress of computation. log_dir (str): Directory where features can be stored. Returns: ndarray: Inception features of real images. """ # Create custom feat file name if feat_file is None: feat_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'metrics', 'kid', 'features') if not os.path.exists(feat_dir): os.makedirs(feat_dir) feat_file = os.path.join( feat_dir, "kid_feat_{}_{}k_run_{}.npz".format(dataset, num_samples // 1000, seed)) if feat_file and os.path.exists(feat_file): print("INFO: Loading existing features for real images...") f = np.load(feat_file) real_feat = f['feat'][:] f.close() else: # Obtain the numpy format data print("INFO: Obtaining images...") images = get_dataset_images(dataset, num_samples=num_samples) # Compute the mean and cov print("INFO: Computing features for real images...") real_feat = inception_utils.get_activations(images=images, sess=sess, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose) print("INFO: Saving features for real images...") np.savez(feat_file, feat=real_feat) return real_feat
def _normalize_images(images): """ Given a tensor of images, uses the torchvision normalization method to convert floating point data to integers. See reference at: The function uses the normalization from make_grid and save_image functions. Args: images (Tensor): Batch of images of shape (N, 3, H, W). Returns: ndarray: Batch of normalized images of shape (N, H, W, 3). """ # Shift the image from [-1, 1] range to [0, 1] range. min_val = float(images.min()) max_val = float(images.max()) images.clamp_(min=min_val, max=max_val) images.add_(-min_val).div_(max_val - min_val + 1e-5) # Add 0.5 after unnormalizing to [0, 255] to round to nearest integer images = images.mul_(255).add_(0.5).clamp_(0, 255).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).to( 'cpu', torch.uint8).numpy() return images
[docs]def compute_gen_dist_feat(netG, num_samples, sess, device, seed, batch_size, print_every=20, verbose=True): """ Directly produces the images and convert them into numpy format without saving the images on disk. Args: netG (Module): Torch Module object representing the generator model. num_samples (int): The number of fake images for computing features. sess (Session): TensorFlow session to use. device (str): Device identifier to use for computation. seed (int): The random seed to use. batch_size (int): The number of samples per batch for inference. print_every (int): Interval for printing log. verbose (bool): If True, prints progress. Returns: ndarray: Inception features of generated images. """ batch_size = min(num_samples, batch_size) with torch.no_grad(): # Set model to evaluation mode netG.eval() # Collect num_samples of fake images images = [] # Collect all samples start_time = time.time() for idx in range(num_samples // batch_size): fake_images = netG.generate_images(num_images=batch_size, device=device).detach().cpu() # Collect fake image images.append(fake_images) # Print some statistics if (idx + 1) % print_every == 0: end_time = time.time() print( "INFO: Generated image {}/{} [Random Seed {}] ({:.4f} sec/idx)" .format( (idx + 1) * batch_size, num_samples, seed, (end_time - start_time) / (print_every * batch_size))) start_time = end_time # Produce images in the required (N, H, W, 3) format for kid computation images =, 0) # Gives (N, 3, H, W) images = _normalize_images(images) # Gives (N, H, W, 3) # Compute the kid print("INFO: Computing features for fake images...") fake_feat = inception_utils.get_activations(images=images, sess=sess, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose) return fake_feat
[docs]def kid_score(num_samples, netG, dataset, seed=0, device=None, num_subsets=10, batch_size=50, verbose=True, feat_file=None, log_dir='./log'): """ Computes KID score. Args: num_samples (int): The number of real and fake images to use for KID. num_subsets (int): Number of subsets to compute average MMD. netG (Module): Torch Module object representing the generator model. device (str): Device identifier to use for computation. seed (int): The random seed to use. dataset (str/Dataset): The name of the dataset to load if known, or a custom Dataset object batch_size (int): The batch size to feedforward for inference. feat_file (str): The path to specific inception features for real images. log_dir (str): Directory where features can be stored. verbose (bool): If True, prints progress. Returns: tuple: Scalar mean and std of KID scores computed. """ start_time = time.time() # Check inputs if device is None: device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") if isinstance(dataset, str): default_datasets = { 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'stl10_48', 'imagenet_32', 'imagenet_128', 'celeba_64', 'celeba_128', 'lsun_bedroom', 'fake_data', } if dataset not in default_datasets: raise ValueError('For default datasets, must be one of {}'.format( default_datasets)) elif issubclass(type(dataset), if feat_file is None: raise ValueError( "feat_file cannot be empty if using a custom dataset.") if not feat_file.endswith('.npz'): feat_file = feat_file + '.npz' else: raise ValueError( 'dataset must be either a Dataset object or a string.') # Make sure the random seeds are fixed torch.manual_seed(seed) random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) # Directories inception_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'metrics', 'inception_model') # Setup the inception graph inception_utils.create_inception_graph(inception_path) # Start producing features for real and fake images # if device.index is not None: # # Avoid unbounded memory usage # gpu_options = tf.compat.v1.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True, # per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.15, # visible_device_list=str(device.index)) # config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) # else: # config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) as sess: real_feat = compute_real_dist_feat(num_samples=num_samples, sess=sess, dataset=dataset, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose, feat_file=feat_file, log_dir=log_dir, seed=seed) fake_feat = compute_gen_dist_feat(netG=netG, num_samples=num_samples, sess=sess, device=device, seed=seed, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose) # Compute the KID score subset_size = num_samples // num_subsets scores = kid_utils.polynomial_mmd_averages(real_feat, fake_feat, n_subsets=num_subsets, subset_size=subset_size) mmd_score, mmd_std = float(np.mean(scores)), float(np.std(scores)) print("INFO: KID: {:.4f} ± {:.4f} [Time Taken: {:.4f} secs]".format( mmd_score, mmd_std, time.time() - start_time)) return mmd_score, mmd_std
# def kid_score(num_subsets, # netG, # device, # seed, # dataset, # batch_size=50, # verbose=True, # feat_file=None, # log_dir='./log'): # """ # Computes KID score. # Args: # num_real_samples (int): The number of real images to use for FID. # num_fake_samples (int): The number of fake images to use for FID. # num_subsets (int): Number of subsets to compute average MMD. # netG (Module): Torch Module object representing the generator model. # device (str): Device identifier to use for computation. # seed (int): The random seed to use. # dataset (str): The name of the dataset to load. # batch_size (int): The batch size to feedforward for inference. # feat_file (str): The path to specific inception features for real images. # log_dir (str): Directory where features can be stored. # verbose (bool): If True, prints progress. # Returns: # tuple: Scalar mean and std of KID scores computed. # """ # start_time = time.time() # # Make sure the random seeds are fixed # torch.manual_seed(seed) # random.seed(seed) # np.random.seed(seed) # # Directories # inception_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'metrics', 'inception_model') # # Setup the inception graph # inception_utils.create_inception_graph(inception_path) # # Decide sample size # num_samples = int(num_subsets * subset_size) # # Start producing features for real and fake images # # if device.index is not None: # # # Avoid unbounded memory usage # # gpu_options = tf.compat.v1.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True, # # per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.15, # # visible_device_list=str(device.index)) # # config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) # # else: # # config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) # config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() # config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2 # config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # with tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) as sess: # # real_feat = compute_real_dist_feat(num_samples=num_samples, # sess=sess, # dataset=dataset, # batch_size=batch_size, # verbose=verbose, # feat_file=feat_file, # log_dir=log_dir, # seed=seed) # fake_feat = compute_gen_dist_feat(netG=netG, # num_samples=num_samples, # sess=sess, # device=device, # seed=seed, # batch_size=batch_size, # verbose=verbose) # # Compute the KID score # scores = kid_utils.polynomial_mmd_averages(real_feat, # fake_feat, # n_subsets=num_subsets, # subset_size=subset_size) # mmd_score, mmd_std = float(np.mean(scores)), float(np.std(scores)) # print("INFO: KID: {:.4f} ± {:.4f} [Time Taken: {:.4f} secs]".format( # mmd_score, mmd_std, # time.time() - start_time)) # return mmd_score, mmd_std