Source code for torch_mimicry.metrics.compute_metrics

Computes different GAN metrics for a generator.
import os

import numpy as np
import torch

from torch_mimicry.metrics import compute_fid, compute_is, compute_kid
from torch_mimicry.utils import common

[docs]def evaluate(metric, netG, log_dir, evaluate_range=None, evaluate_step=None, num_runs=3, start_seed=0, overwrite=False, write_to_json=True, device=None, **kwargs): """ Evaluates a generator over several runs. Args: metric (str): The name of the metric for evaluation. netG (Module): Torch generator model to evaluate. log_dir (str): The path to the log directory. evaluate_range (tuple): The 3 valued tuple for defining a for loop. evaluate_step (int): The specific checkpoint to load. Used in place of evaluate_range. device (str): Device identifier to use for computation. num_runs (int): The number of runs to compute FID for each checkpoint. start_seed (int): Starting random seed to use. write_to_json (bool): If True, writes to an output json file in log_dir. overwrite (bool): If True, then overwrites previous metric score. Returns: None """ # Check evaluation range/steps if evaluate_range and evaluate_step or not (evaluate_step or evaluate_range): raise ValueError( "Only one of evaluate_step or evaluate_range can be defined.") if evaluate_range: if (type(evaluate_range) != tuple or not all(map(lambda x: type(x) == int, evaluate_range)) or not len(evaluate_range) == 3): raise ValueError( "evaluate_range must be a tuple of ints (start, end, step).") # Check metric arguments if metric == 'kid': if 'num_samples' not in kwargs: raise ValueError( "num_samples must be provided for KID computation.") output_file = os.path.join( log_dir, 'kid_{}k.json'.format(kwargs['num_samples'] // 1000)) elif metric == 'fid': if 'num_real_samples' not in kwargs or 'num_fake_samples' not in kwargs: raise ValueError( "num_real_samples and num_fake_samples must be provided for FID computation." ) output_file = os.path.join( log_dir, 'fid_{}k_{}k.json'.format(kwargs['num_real_samples'] // 1000, kwargs['num_fake_samples'] // 1000)) elif metric == 'inception_score': if 'num_samples' not in kwargs: raise ValueError( "num_samples must be provided for IS computation.") output_file = os.path.join( log_dir, 'inception_score_{}k.json'.format(kwargs['num_samples'] // 1000)) else: choices = ['fid', 'kid', 'inception_score'] raise ValueError("Invalid metric {} selected. Choose from {}.".format( metric, choices)) # Check checkpoint dir ckpt_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'checkpoints', 'netG') if not os.path.exists(ckpt_dir): raise ValueError( "Checkpoint directory {} cannot be found in log_dir.".format( ckpt_dir)) # Check device if device is None: device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Setup output file if os.path.exists(output_file): scores_dict = common.load_from_json(output_file) scores_dict = dict([(int(k), v) for k, v in scores_dict.items()]) else: scores_dict = {} # Decide naming convention names_dict = { 'fid': 'FID', 'inception_score': 'Inception Score', 'kid': 'KID', } # # Set output file and restore if available. # if metric == 'fid': # output_file = os.path.join( # log_dir, # 'fid_{}k_{}k.json'.format(kwargs['num_real_samples'] // 1000, # kwargs['num_fake_samples'] // 1000)) # elif metric == 'inception_score': # output_file = os.path.join( # log_dir, # 'inception_score_{}k.json'.format(kwargs['num_samples'] // 1000)) # elif metric == 'kid': # output_file = os.path.join( # log_dir, 'kid_{}k.json'.format( # kwargs['num_samples'] // 1000)) # if os.path.exists(output_file): # scores_dict = common.load_from_json(output_file) # scores_dict = dict([(int(k), v) for k, v in scores_dict.items()]) # else: # scores_dict = {} # Evaluate across a range start, end, interval = evaluate_range or (evaluate_step, evaluate_step, evaluate_step) for step in range(start, end + 1, interval): # Skip computed scores if step in scores_dict and write_to_json and not overwrite: print("INFO: {} at step {} has been computed. Skipping...".format( names_dict[metric], step)) continue # Load and restore the model checkpoint ckpt_file = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'netG_{}_steps.pth'.format(step)) if not os.path.exists(ckpt_file): print("INFO: Checkpoint at step {} does not exist. Skipping...". format(step)) continue netG.restore_checkpoint(ckpt_file=ckpt_file, optimizer=None) # Compute score for each seed scores = [] for seed in range(start_seed, start_seed + num_runs): print("INFO: Computing {} in memory...".format(names_dict[metric])) # Obtain only the raw score without var if metric == "fid": score = compute_fid.fid_score(netG=netG, seed=seed, device=device, log_dir=log_dir, **kwargs) elif metric == "inception_score": score, _ = compute_is.inception_score(netG=netG, seed=seed, device=device, log_dir=log_dir, **kwargs) elif metric == "kid": score, _ = compute_kid.kid_score(netG=netG, device=device, seed=seed, log_dir=log_dir, **kwargs) scores.append(score) print("INFO: {} (step {}) [seed {}]: {}".format( names_dict[metric], step, seed, score)) scores_dict[step] = scores # Save scores every step if write_to_json: common.write_to_json(scores_dict, output_file) # Print the scores in order for step in range(start, end + 1, interval): if step in scores_dict: scores = scores_dict[step] mean = np.mean(scores) std = np.std(scores) print("INFO: {} (step {}): {}{}) ".format( names_dict[metric], step, mean, std)) # Save to output file if write_to_json: common.write_to_json(scores_dict, output_file) print("INFO: {} Evaluation completed!".format(names_dict[metric])) return scores_dict