Source code for torch_mimicry.nets.dcgan.dcgan_base

Base class definition of DCGAN.
from torch_mimicry.nets.gan import gan

[docs]class DCGANBaseGenerator(gan.BaseGenerator): r""" ResNet backbone generator for ResNet DCGAN. Attributes: nz (int): Noise dimension for upsampling. ngf (int): Variable controlling generator feature map sizes. bottom_width (int): Starting width for upsampling generator output to an image. loss_type (str): Name of loss to use for GAN loss. """ def __init__(self, nz, ngf, bottom_width, loss_type='ns', **kwargs): super().__init__(nz=nz, ngf=ngf, bottom_width=bottom_width, loss_type=loss_type, **kwargs)
[docs]class DCGANBaseDiscriminator(gan.BaseDiscriminator): r""" ResNet backbone discriminator for ResNet DCGAN. Attributes: ndf (int): Variable controlling discriminator feature map sizes. loss_type (str): Name of loss to use for GAN loss. """ def __init__(self, ndf, loss_type='ns', **kwargs): super().__init__(ndf=ndf, loss_type=loss_type, **kwargs)