Source code for torch_mimicry.nets.infomax_gan.infomax_gan_48

Implementation of InfoMax-GAN for image size 48.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from torch_mimicry.nets.infomax_gan import infomax_gan_base
from torch_mimicry.modules.layers import SNConv2d, SNLinear
from torch_mimicry.modules.resblocks import DBlockOptimized, DBlock, GBlock

[docs]class InfoMaxGANGenerator48(infomax_gan_base.InfoMaxGANBaseGenerator): r""" ResNet backbone generator for InfoMax-GAN. Attributes: nz (int): Noise dimension for upsampling. ngf (int): Variable controlling generator feature map sizes. bottom_width (int): Starting width for upsampling generator output to an image. loss_type (str): Name of loss to use for GAN loss. infomax_loss_scale (float): The alpha parameter used for scaling the generator infomax loss. """ def __init__(self, nz=128, ngf=512, bottom_width=6, **kwargs): super().__init__(nz=nz, ngf=ngf, bottom_width=bottom_width, **kwargs) # Build the layers self.l1 = nn.Linear(, (self.bottom_width**2) * self.ngf) self.block2 = GBlock(self.ngf, self.ngf >> 1, upsample=True) self.block3 = GBlock(self.ngf >> 1, self.ngf >> 2, upsample=True) self.block4 = GBlock(self.ngf >> 2, self.ngf >> 3, upsample=True) self.b5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.ngf >> 3) self.c5 = nn.Conv2d(self.ngf >> 3, 3, 3, 1, padding=1) self.activation = nn.ReLU(True) # Initialise the weights nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0)
[docs] def forward(self, x): r""" Feedforwards a batch of noise vectors into a batch of fake images. Args: x (Tensor): A batch of noise vectors of shape (N, nz). Returns: Tensor: A batch of fake images of shape (N, C, H, W). """ h = self.l1(x) h = h.view(x.shape[0], -1, self.bottom_width, self.bottom_width) h = self.block2(h) h = self.block3(h) h = self.block4(h) h = self.b5(h) h = self.activation(h) h = torch.tanh(self.c5(h)) return h
[docs]class InfoMaxGANDiscriminator48(infomax_gan_base.BaseDiscriminator): r""" ResNet backbone discriminator for SNGAN-InfoMax. Attributes: nrkhs (int): The RKHS dimension R to project the local and global features to. ndf (int): Variable controlling discriminator feature map sizes. loss_type (str): Name of loss to use for GAN loss. infomax_loss_scale (float): The beta parameter used for scaling the discriminator infomax loss. """ def __init__(self, ndf=1024, nrkhs=1024, **kwargs): super().__init__(nrkhs=nrkhs, ndf=ndf, **kwargs) # Decide activation used self.activation = nn.ReLU(True) # ---------------- # GAN Layers # ---------------- self.local_feat_blocks = nn.Sequential( DBlockOptimized(3, self.ndf >> 4), DBlock(self.ndf >> 4, self.ndf >> 3, downsample=True), DBlock(self.ndf >> 3, self.ndf >> 2, downsample=True), DBlock(self.ndf >> 2, self.ndf >> 1, downsample=True)) self.global_feat_blocks = nn.Sequential( DBlock(self.ndf >> 1, self.ndf, downsample=False)) self.linear = SNLinear(self.ndf, 1) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) # ------------------- # InfoMax Layers # ------------------- # Critic network layers for local features self.local_nrkhs_a = SNConv2d(self.ndf >> 1, self.ndf >> 1, 1, 1, 0) self.local_nrkhs_b = SNConv2d(self.ndf >> 1, self.nrkhs, 1, 1, 0) self.local_nrkhs_sc = SNConv2d(self.ndf >> 1, self.nrkhs, 1, 1, 0) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) # Critic network layers for global features self.global_nrkhs_a = SNLinear(self.ndf, self.ndf) self.global_nrkhs_b = SNLinear(self.ndf, self.nrkhs) self.global_nrkhs_sc = SNLinear(self.ndf, self.nrkhs) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(, 1.0)
[docs] def forward(self, x): r""" Feedforwards a batch of real/fake images and produces a batch of GAN logits, local features of the images, and global features of the images. Args: x (Tensor): A batch of images of shape (N, C, H, W). Returns: Tensor: A batch of GAN logits of shape (N, 1). Tensor: A batch of local features of shape (N, ndf, H>>2, W>>2). Tensor: A batch of global features of shape (N, ndf) """ h = x # Get features local_feat = self.local_feat_blocks(h) # (N, C, H, W) global_feat = self.global_feat_blocks(local_feat) global_feat = self.activation(global_feat) global_feat = torch.sum(global_feat, dim=(2, 3)) # GAN task output output = self.linear(global_feat) return output, local_feat, global_feat