Source code for torch_mimicry.nets.infomax_gan.infomax_gan_base

Implementation of InfoMax-GAN base model.
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from torch_mimicry.nets.gan import gan

[docs]class InfoMaxGANBaseGenerator(gan.BaseGenerator): r""" ResNet backbone generator for InfoMax-GAN. Attributes: nz (int): Noise dimension for upsampling. ngf (int): Variable controlling generator feature map sizes. bottom_width (int): Starting width for upsampling generator output to an image. loss_type (str): Name of loss to use for GAN loss. infomax_loss_scale (float): The alpha parameter used for scaling the generator infomax loss. """ def __init__(self, nz, ngf, bottom_width, loss_type='hinge', infomax_loss_scale=0.2, **kwargs): super().__init__(nz=nz, ngf=ngf, bottom_width=bottom_width, loss_type=loss_type, **kwargs) self.infomax_loss_scale = infomax_loss_scale
[docs] def train_step(self, real_batch, netD, optG, log_data, device=None, global_step=None, **kwargs): r""" Takes one training step for G. Args: real_batch (Tensor): A batch of real images of shape (N, C, H, W). Used for obtaining current batch size. netD (nn.Module): Discriminator model for obtaining losses. optG (Optimizer): Optimizer for updating generator's parameters. log_data (MetricLog): An object to add custom metrics for visualisations. device (torch.device): Device to use for running the model. global_step (int): Variable to sync training, logging and checkpointing. Useful for dynamic changes to model amidst training. Returns: MetricLog: Returns MetricLog object containing updated logging variables after 1 training step. """ # Zero gradient every step. self.zero_grad() # Get only batch size from real batch real_images, _ = real_batch batch_size = real_images.shape[0] # Produce fake images fake_images = self.generate_images(num_images=batch_size, device=device) # Get logits and projected features output_fake, local_feat_fake, global_feat_fake = netD(fake_images) local_feat_fake, global_feat_fake = netD.project_features( local_feat=local_feat_fake, global_feat=global_feat_fake) # Compute losses errG = self.compute_gan_loss(output_fake) errG_IM = netD.compute_infomax_loss(local_feat=local_feat_fake, global_feat=global_feat_fake, scale=self.infomax_loss_scale) # Backprop and update gradients errG_total = errG + errG_IM errG_total.backward() optG.step() # Log statistics log_data.add_metric('errG', errG, group='loss') log_data.add_metric('errG_IM', errG_IM, group='loss_IM') return log_data
[docs]class BaseDiscriminator(gan.BaseDiscriminator): r""" ResNet backbone discriminator for SNGAN-Infomax. Attributes: nrkhs (int): The RKHS dimension R to project the local and global features to. ndf (int): Variable controlling discriminator feature map sizes. loss_type (str): Name of loss to use for GAN loss. infomax_loss_scale (float): The beta parameter used for scaling the discriminator infomax loss. """ def __init__(self, nrkhs, ndf, loss_type='hinge', infomax_loss_scale=0.2, **kwargs): super().__init__(ndf=ndf, loss_type=loss_type, **kwargs) self.nrkhs = nrkhs self.infomax_loss_scale = infomax_loss_scale def _project_local(self, local_feat): r""" Helper function for projecting local features to RKHS. """ local_feat_sc = self.local_nrkhs_sc(local_feat) local_feat = self.local_nrkhs_a(local_feat) local_feat = self.activation(local_feat) local_feat = self.local_nrkhs_b(local_feat) local_feat += local_feat_sc return local_feat def _project_global(self, global_feat): r""" Helper function for projecting global features to RKHS. """ global_feat_sc = self.global_nrkhs_sc(global_feat) global_feat = self.global_nrkhs_a(global_feat) global_feat = self.activation(global_feat) global_feat = self.global_nrkhs_b(global_feat) global_feat += global_feat_sc return global_feat
[docs] def project_features(self, local_feat, global_feat): r""" Projects local and global features. """ local_feat = self._project_local( local_feat) # (N, C, H, W) --> (N, nrkhs, H, W) global_feat = self._project_global( global_feat) # (N, C) --> (N, nrkhs) return local_feat, global_feat
[docs] def infonce_loss(self, l, m): r""" InfoNCE loss for local and global feature maps as used in DIM: Args: l (Tensor): Local feature map of shape (N, ndf, H*W). m (Tensor): Global feature vector of shape (N, ndf, 1). Returns: Tensor: Scalar loss Tensor. """ N, units, n_locals = l.size() _, _, n_multis = m.size() # First we make the input tensors the right shape. l_p = l.permute(0, 2, 1) m_p = m.permute(0, 2, 1) l_n = l_p.reshape(-1, units) m_n = m_p.reshape(-1, units) # Inner product for positive samples. Outer product for negative. We need to do it this way # for the multiclass loss. For the outer product, we want a N x N x n_local x n_multi tensor. u_p = torch.matmul(l_p, m).unsqueeze(2) u_n =, l_n.t()) u_n = u_n.reshape(N, n_multis, N, n_locals).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # We need to mask the diagonal part of the negative tensor. mask = torch.eye(N)[:, :, None, None].to(l.device) n_mask = 1 - mask # Masking is done by shifting the diagonal before exp. u_n = (n_mask * u_n) - (10. * (1 - n_mask)) # mask out "self" examples u_n = u_n.reshape(N, N * n_locals, n_multis).unsqueeze(dim=1).expand( -1, n_locals, -1, -1) # Since this is multiclass, we concat the positive along the class dimension before performing log softmax. pred_lgt = [u_p, u_n], dim=2 ) # So the first of each "row" is positive, and we have N+1 elements pred_log = F.log_softmax(pred_lgt, dim=2) # The positive score is the first element of the log softmax. loss = -pred_log[:, :, 0].mean() return loss
[docs] def compute_infomax_loss(self, local_feat, global_feat, scale): r""" Given local and global features of a real or fake image, produce the average dot product score between each local and global features, which is then used to obtain infoNCE loss. Args local_feat (Tensor): A batch of local features. global_feat (Tensor): A batch of global features. scale (float): The scaling hyperparameter for the infomax loss. Returns: Tensor: Scalar Tensor representing the scaled infomax loss. """ if local_feat.shape[1] != self.nrkhs: raise ValueError( "Features have not been projected. Expected {} dim but got {} instead" .format(self.nrkhs, local_feat.shape[1])) # Prepare shapes for local and global features. local_feat = torch.flatten(local_feat, start_dim=2, end_dim=3) # (N, C, H, W) --> (N, C, H*W) global_feat = torch.unsqueeze(global_feat, 2) # (N, C) --> (N, C, 1) # Compute infomax loss and scale loss = self.infonce_loss(l=local_feat, m=global_feat) loss = scale * loss return loss
[docs] def train_step(self, real_batch, netG, optD, log_data, device=None, global_step=None, **kwargs): r""" Takes one training step for D. Args: real_batch (Tensor): A batch of real images of shape (N, C, H, W). netG (nn.Module): Generator model for obtaining fake images. optD (Optimizer): Optimizer for updating discriminator's parameters. device (torch.device): Device to use for running the model. log_data (MetricLog): An object to add custom metrics for visualisations. global_step (int): Variable to sync training, logging and checkpointing. Useful for dynamic changes to model amidst training. Returns: MetricLog: Returns MetricLog object containing updated logging variables after 1 training step. """ self.zero_grad() # Produce real images real_images, _ = real_batch batch_size = real_images.shape[0] # Match batch sizes for last iter # Produce fake images fake_images = netG.generate_images(num_images=batch_size, device=device).detach() # Compute real and fake logits for gan loss output_real, local_feat_real, global_feat_real = self.forward( real_images) output_fake, _, _ = self.forward(fake_images) # Project the features local_feat_real, global_feat_real = self.project_features( local_feat=local_feat_real, global_feat=global_feat_real) # Compute losses errD = self.compute_gan_loss(output_real=output_real, output_fake=output_fake) errD_IM = self.compute_infomax_loss(local_feat=local_feat_real, global_feat=global_feat_real, scale=self.infomax_loss_scale) # Backprop and update gradients errD_total = errD + errD_IM errD_total.backward() optD.step() # Compute probabilities D_x, D_Gz = self.compute_probs(output_real=output_real, output_fake=output_fake) # Log statistics for D log_data.add_metric('errD', errD, group='loss') log_data.add_metric('errD_IM', errD_IM, group='loss_IM') log_data.add_metric('D(x)', D_x, group='prob') log_data.add_metric('D(G(z))', D_Gz, group='prob') return log_data